What Is a Swale?
A swale is a natural gutter that catches your runoff water and directs it into a ditch. You can have more than one ditch for a single swale. Likewise, it’s possible to have multiple swales on a single piece of land.
A swale is a natural gutter that catches your runoff water and directs it into a ditch. You can have more than one ditch for a single swale. Likewise, it’s possible to have multiple swales on a single piece of land.
Water runoff can lead to pooling, soil erosion, mold, and water damage to your home and property. These tips will help you find a better water runoff solution.
Icicles may look pretty, but they can cause major damage to your home — especially if they’re forming on your gutters. Water expands when it freezes, which can cause your gutters to warp and crack under the additional pressure. The best way to prevent the damage caused by frozen gutters is to keep them from freezing in the first place.
You never notice your gutters when they are doing their job, but your home is at risk when these gutters become clogged and unable to perform. Could this issue be avoided? Remember, you cannot fight clogs without first knowing your enemy.
Homeowners looking for an aesthetically pleasing alternative to downspouts are increasingly turning to rain chains.